
So I am alive, overwhelmed and HAPPY! Toronto is intense. I love it. Things are pretty up and down right now as I am job hunting, but I have two interviews tomorrow and one on Thursday. One with a non-profit, one with a marketing company and one in a restaurant. Hopefully something will surface. I am keeping on applying left right and centre. I am very stressed about getting a job. I often feel like I am going to have to work at Tim Horton's for the rest of my life with my MA. Thank heavens Greg is working. He is doing so well at his firm. I am so proud!!!!!! My problem with all this is that I am essentially a bum. I spent all day yesterday applying for jobs. Today I just applied for one and spent the rest of the day organizing our apt. I feel very........dependant on Greg. It is TRES weird for me. It looks good I think! I put a huge map of Toronto on the wall so I could figure out where the hell I am going. I have gotten lost at least once a day. LOVE IT!!!! i love this city. Last night Greg and I went to a Jay's game. It was sooooooooooooo awesome. I have been running and biking and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our neighbourhood. It is all old houses and it is GORGEOUS. We are close to Casa Loma!!!!!!!! Tomorrow our roommate J comes. He is Greg's buddy from law school. A real sweetheart. It should be good. Here is the thing I am definatly losing weight here. I walk walk walk and I am soooooooooo busy I never purge. Hope this keeps up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. PTC said...
    Good luck with all of your interviews. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you will do just fine. glad you're enjoying toronto.
    Carla said...
    how were the interviews, hun?
    hungry for hunger said...
    Fantastic! We're AL East family now.
    Sarah said...
    i'm so happy you're happy!!

    Mary said...
    Hey girl,
    Sounds like things are GOOD there. So glad you like your new home.


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