Yesterday was a success! No purging and I actually ate stuff other than salad. GO ME! Went to Seph0ra yesterday and bought myself some new makeup. It was $$ but hey! I didn't purge I deserve it. I didn't wear any make up yesterday which for me is a big accomplishment. I ALWAYS wear foundation no matter what. It is a barrier I put up b/w me and the world. I HATE my skin (although I know it is NOT bad at all and would be a lot better if I was not bulimic) and foundation is such a protective layer for me. BUT yesterday I went out for brunch and I went shopping and I didn't purge and I STILL wore no make up!!! All day yesterday Greg and I lounged around the apt. reading, watching season 9 of D@llas (yes it came out) and talking. It was lovely. We went for brunch at 3:00PM!!!!! Hahahaha....our roommate is out of town and it is a long weekend. Today we are going to do much the same. But we are meeting some friends for beers at 8:00pm and then I have been invited out with some other friends to go barring. I don't know if I going or not......I have been struggling with not making new friends and these women are not people I know REALLY well so I think I should go and I have already turned then down once, but then on the other is my weekend of relaxation. GAH! I find these situations to be VERY stressfull. What do I do? HELP!!!!!!!!!! I have also decided to start a lighter running program. I was trying to do a really intense one and my body was so tired cause I am biking to to work right now that I am not enjoying running or not going. I have started a light program that is EASY for me to commit to. Or as my MA thesis adviser always said DO the DOABLE. Can't believe I start school in like 1 month! 1 month from today! AH!
1 Comment:
- Anonymous said...
August 3, 2008 at 10:04 AMYou're right - deciding whether or not to go out is a tough decision. In my experience, I find it is difficult to go out drinking and NOT b/p. However, you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to make new friends. Could you maybe go and not drink alcohol? Or maybe you could not go, but ask if they want to go to lunch/coffee/get pedicures sometime during the week?