HELLLOOOOO everyone. I am 1.5 days into my how long can I go without purging adventure. I REALLY REALLY WANT TO PURGE RIGHT NOW SO I AM HANGING OUT IN MY FRIEND'S OFFICE INSTEAD- He is also MIA. I know why I want to purge. I am working on a very hard paper and it isn't coming very well which makes me feel worthless which translates into fat. So far I have had: Yesterday: apple, banana, salad (veg), brown rice, steamed veggies, an egg, 1 piece of rye toast, 2 rice cakes, two squares of dark chocolate, natural juice, water and coffee (1 cup). Exercise: 50 mins elliptical moderate effort plus 15mins weight lifting Today: apple, bananas, salad (veg), brown rice, 1 rye toast w/ natural PB (1tbsp) grapes (1 cup) strawberries, water and coffee ( a lot I am writing a paper but I am matching cup of coffee with cup of water). Exercise: None- writing a paper plus I worked out yesterday and purging thru exercise is still purging. For those of you who know a lot about nutrition am I missing anything major. I plan on having some chicken with my veggies tonight.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Are you trying to lose weight? Your food intake yesterday was VERY low. I think that you should maybe add some proteins and more carbs - maybe some lentils with your rice, some oats with breakfast, a hearty soup with bread for dinner. Don't deny yourself food! If you're restricting you are more likely to binge.

    Maybe read Intuitive Eating? It has some great stuff for recovering bulimics.
    Anonymous said...
    hey soledad

    I'm here cheering you on. this is such a difficult thing to give up, but, as I'm sure you know, it gets easier.

    take care.

    love h.x
    PTC said...
    yeah, you need some protein.

    I can't say I approve of your restriction, but I can't say anything because that would be the pot calling the kettle black. (what a stupid term)

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